Within the
a marble
statue standing by A child’s archaic smile
No thoughts about truth or lie.
Lie don’t tell
The ten commandments look at.
In the chapel’s apex
Ascending by proper devicesAngels and Madonnas drawing
Guilty made to feeling.
Those who fell and monuments
Pausing a little with admiration
For the hero in panoply.
In the round market now
The hero’s twistingMagicians are around
Languages buying and selling.
Language without
The game without you
Bad trade without you.
The arrow found Achilles’ heel
Not the name of this game
A funny castle is your build.
Amid this modern maelstrom?
How many museums aren’t filled
With so fine sorrow indeed?
Leave the market
And when here and there you
they takeIf something useful you wish to be
Show that smile which is not
Supposed to know
About virtue and malice
And Troy in a state of siege.