Τετάρτη 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

Τρίτη 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

Η ψήφος

Η ψήφος είναι έκφραση γνώμης, κρυφής όμως σκέψης. 

Κατα τη γνώμη των αναγνωστών, είναι γνώμη, ή σκέψη περισσότερο;

Αναμένοντας, ευχαριστώ,

Δ. Κιούκιας

Τρίτη 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

Σχέδιο γνωμάτευσης

Aν η διαγωγή μας υπό ποικίλες ειδικές περιστάσεις έχει έννομες συνέπειες, η διαγωγή ως γενικός όρος έχει αναγκαστικά σχέση με τη νομιμότητα. Περαιτέρω, καθώς η διαγωγή συναρτάται με την ηθική, η δε ηθική έχει και συνεργατικό περιεχόμενο, κάθε οργανισμός την εντάσσει στη δεοντολογία του. 

Δημήτρης Κιούκιας

Κυριακή 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

Σάββατο 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

The Philosophy and Possible Inadequacies of Crises Governance: Lessons from a Recent Book, International Journal of Law and Society, 13 July 2020.


This short case is based on the author’s book “Governing Really?” which inserts into policy analysis some new philosophical, methodological and practical insights. Whereas the book includes analyses of quite a few policy areas, this case study delimits its investigation to unexpected events-crises. While purely managerial approaches to problem solving rest on some quantifiable evaluation criteria, a more classical rule of law approach usually focuses on causes and punishment of a crime. Even though in the case of “natural disasters” this is a difficult work, among others because they are quite internationalized, the casualties that hit the population are such that lack of investigation of this sort will prove to be both unfair and dangerous. The paper suggests that preventive work can be done in the area of education and culture, aiming at reintroducing more logical argumentation at the expense of postmodern irrationalism and various techniques inspired by it. If postmodern revisionism has the merit of encouraging more pluralistic approaches to policy making, we must keep alert about its relativism and its tendency to transmit (to the media and the laws among others) insignificant stories, or a fear about description. Therefore, so the argument goes, a policy maker must take into account “great” ideas too, as ideas guide any kind of thought, including materialist mental artifacts. At the end of the day one of selected ideas will fit a case in question. Accordingly, effective tackling of natural disasters may well rest on managerialism, as it has happened in the historical past, but must choose a good governing idea too, avoiding routine automatic, or “silent” solutions.
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